Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Whew, what a day!  Great day!  Thanks for all your wonderful feedback on the blog!  I'm new to all this so it's taken me some time to figure out all the responses!  But I'm overwhelmed at the incredible response.  Thank you to all my angels out there spreading the word..... I've already been contacted by the upper echelon of the local food press!  Yes, you know who you are ; )

My awesome brother Sean Crowley, Sales Director for Paradigm winery put together a vertical tasting of Paradigm Cabernet at the Ferry Plaza Wine Merchant tonight.  Oh so yummy! And my good friends came along too.   Ren & Marilyn Harris the owners were on hand to answer questions.  I think they need the Beautiful People Award for 2012!  Seeing as Sean is putting my wine list together and he has just a few "ins" in the business, I'm hoping to finagle some Paradigm for our list!

God just keeps dispatching angels my way!  This one in the form of my mother who came through today with a little monetary gift.  More than little, she calls it a gift, I call it a loan.  I like being a good borrower cause you never know when you just may need to ask again.....

And more logo ideas!  But I'm so sleepy now and I've got an early morning meeting with my contractor.  Good night angels, sweet dreams.......



  1. Hey Louise! You go girl! Congrats on making your dreams come true, and so brilliant to share your process. After all, life IS the journey not the destination, right? YOU go enjoy the bleepin' journey and bless all of US with the destination of your fab food!
    You are spreading inspiration! Love and good luck coming your way.

    1. Thanks Barbara! I love that, it is the destination. Great reminder. See you at the opening!

  2. haha, is that my father in the second picture? he looks silly! my parents just emailed me the link to your blog, louise. looks fantastic! can't wait to see the finished product. will you be offering delivery to new orleans? :) congrats! -sarah

    1. Hahah, flash-frozen and Fedxed to your door in exchange for beignets!
